Jan 19, 2007

To Mom, Love......

"We've all done our own thing, gone our own way. And God has piled all our sins, everything we've done wrong, on Him,…" (Isaiah 53:6) Msg

When I was young, I remember a time that I had stepped in to protect my sister. As the oldest, it was my responsibility to watch out for Lynn. Kind of funny, I might deck her but no one else could! Anyway, there was a boy in the neighborhood that was harassing her over a situation that my sister had caused so I stepped in and told him that I had done whatever it was that he was accusing my sister of. I was diverting the situation from away my sister. I had intercepted the wrath.

I did it because I cared for my sister and did not want to see her hurt.

The boy talked big. He wanted a fight. But he was mostly all bark, so eventually he moved on and left my sister alone.

Christ came to stand in between His Fathers', our Fathers' wrath and our punishment for what we had done (living apart from God's will). Christ had chose to intercept the wrath for us because He cared and still cares for us and did not want to see us hurt nor see us perish. (Jn3:16)

In doing so, Satan became disarmed at the Cross but he still continues to roam the earth. He continues to tell the lies when we are down, when we are weak, at our most vulnerable state so we will listen. And he wraps it in a beautiful package that draws us in.

But we are given a choice of gifts, Satan’s (as I mentioned above) or Christ's -- the gift of love and the gift of grace; in such abundance. Can we not also extend that same grace, same love to one another? (1Jn 4:11)

Which gifts do you chose?

The greatest gifts I have ever received were wrapped in a crinkled up brown paper bag held together by tape, signed, "To Mom, Love……"

There is no greater love……….

Have a Supernatural weekend…..

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