Feb 17, 2007

Embracing God

(Exodus 34:29) "....he was not aware his face was radiant...."

What is it like to embrace God? To touch God? To see God?

Friday I experienced God in such an intimate way. I felt Him, I held Him, I loved Him.

I had the opportunity to spend some time with Ivey Sirmans (www.iveysirmans.blogspot.com)God's precious princess. As I held her close to me, she used her face to feel my face and her hands to embrace me. She smelled so sweet, so innocent. One of God's wonders, God's gifts as her mom and dad have called her.

Her love, her sincerity was so pure, it could only be that of our Abba.

I can only imagine that when we stand before the Throne, that our Father will embrace us with His face and His hands as He embraces us. And the sweet smell of His love.


1 comment:

Ivey's Mom said...

It's funny to see this post. It is 4:54 AM! (good timining) and I wanted to thank you for the book. It is incredibly sweet. I wanted to read it cover to cover before thanking you. You are a God send. I am sorry that I didn't get to spend time with you on Friday - we switched nursing companies; hopefully, we will now have some peace in this area. I pray. I was incredibly nervous about the switch.
I am so happy that you did get to meet Ivey. She is amazing. You have an open invitation - anytime -obviously I never sleep, so I truly mean ANYTIME.